26 Juli 2012


German study. Encountered a wall. Pronouns and interrogative. Declension. Must memorise. Must read Guy de Maupassant. Am listening to interviews conducted by Howard Stern. Alec Baldwin. He lost weight, approx. 30 lbs. Married again. Kim Basinger was beautiful in Natural. The movie w/ Robert Redford. Sundance Houston Cinema. UTAH. The only US state which ends in H. I found To Rome With Love disappointing. I can no longer enjoy the stories where an audience is expected to believe that only optimistic events happen in "romantic cities", because the problems of existence follows one everywhere.
  German study. A wall. Declension and conjugation. Declension. Declension. Declension. Declension. Tables. Duden German Dictionary.
  Demonoid.me is "down". Chuck's Zito's cousin. 7 years old and brain tumor. 8 years old and cancer. A few days ago, I saw a child with underdeveloped bones near Medical Center. Nobody gives a shit. They all care about "cars and shit". Should have brought other study material than Ger. grammar. Howard Stern is cynical. Is cynical sanity? Isn't apathy a solution? He has little understanding about this universe. David Choe. Where does he live now? Presumably, he is successful.
  The forum on Steven Soderbergh, imdb.com. Too simplistic perspective. Either one is sell-out and rich&famous, or one is true to himself and poor&unknown. The "sad, pathetic bastards" on imdb Forum seem to think that Steven Soderbergh is a sell-out and most of his movies is bad. What was I going to write? Forget. Oublier. Oublié. The Raven.

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