Characteristic of Asperger
Find social situation confusing
Find it hard to make small talk
Do not enjoy imaginative story-writing
Literal thinker
Repetitive routine provides security
Stresses when routine suddenly changes
Do certain things in an inflexible, repetitive way
Lack of empathy
Find it hard to understand what others are thinking/feeling
People often say -- is rude even when this was not the intent
Have difficulty making friends
Difficulties understanding subtleties of communicating through: Eye contact, Body language, Facial expressions
Unusually strong, narrow interests
Can focus on certain things for very long periods
Good at picking up details and facts
Have normal to above normal intelligence
Highly logical thinking
Bill Gates
Rocking motion
Socially awkward
Voice lacks tone
High intelligence
Single minded focus
Flat tone of voice
Thomas Jefferson
Inability to relate to people
Poor public speaker
Sensitive to loud noises
Poor eye contact "shifty glance"
Steven Spielberg
Odd social tendencies
Childhood obssession w/ film making
Considered eccentric by others
diagnosed as an adult
Bob Dylan
Master writer of poems/songs w/ little interest in much else
Created his own abstract world w/ his gift of verse
Courtney Love
Reacted negatively to affection
Had a variety of inappropriate affect, including sudden fits of screaming
Diagnosed as a child, mild autism
Albert Einstein
Late onset of speech
Recoiled from intimacy
Had no friends as a child
Repeated sentences obssessively
Hated wearing socks
Appeared to be in his own world
Al Gore
Obssessive about single topic
Flat affect
Social awakrdness
Inability to relate and speak w/ others on their level
Isaac Newton
Inability to accept rules which appeared illogical
Awakward social skills
Rigid language
Dan Aykroyd
Has a fascination w/ police
Always has to have a bad w/ him
Limited eye contact
diagnosed as a child
Daryl Hannah
Socially awkward
Lived in a fantasy world for years, playing w/ her trolls and pet bird, developing an inner life, creating imaginary characters
diagnosed as a child, borderline autism
Henry Ford
Concert thinker
Unable to understand or tolerate other perspectives
Rigid belief system
Andy Warhol
Obssession was able to fit in where he was accepted for his weirdness
Distinctive artwork
Unusual behaviours
Odd relationships
Need to search for patterns
Find social situation confusing
Find it hard to make small talk
Do not enjoy imaginative story-writing
Literal thinker
Repetitive routine provides security
Stresses when routine suddenly changes
Do certain things in an inflexible, repetitive way
Lack of empathy
Find it hard to understand what others are thinking/feeling
People often say -- is rude even when this was not the intent
Have difficulty making friends
Difficulties understanding subtleties of communicating through: Eye contact, Body language, Facial expressions
Unusually strong, narrow interests
Can focus on certain things for very long periods
Good at picking up details and facts
Have normal to above normal intelligence
Highly logical thinking
Bill Gates
Rocking motion
Socially awkward
Voice lacks tone
High intelligence
Single minded focus
Flat tone of voice
Thomas Jefferson
Inability to relate to people
Poor public speaker
Sensitive to loud noises
Poor eye contact "shifty glance"
Steven Spielberg
Odd social tendencies
Childhood obssession w/ film making
Considered eccentric by others
diagnosed as an adult
Bob Dylan
Master writer of poems/songs w/ little interest in much else
Created his own abstract world w/ his gift of verse
Courtney Love
Reacted negatively to affection
Had a variety of inappropriate affect, including sudden fits of screaming
Diagnosed as a child, mild autism
Albert Einstein
Late onset of speech
Recoiled from intimacy
Had no friends as a child
Repeated sentences obssessively
Hated wearing socks
Appeared to be in his own world
Al Gore
Obssessive about single topic
Flat affect
Social awakrdness
Inability to relate and speak w/ others on their level
Isaac Newton
Inability to accept rules which appeared illogical
Awakward social skills
Rigid language
Dan Aykroyd
Has a fascination w/ police
Always has to have a bad w/ him
Limited eye contact
diagnosed as a child
Daryl Hannah
Socially awkward
Lived in a fantasy world for years, playing w/ her trolls and pet bird, developing an inner life, creating imaginary characters
diagnosed as a child, borderline autism
Henry Ford
Concert thinker
Unable to understand or tolerate other perspectives
Rigid belief system
Andy Warhol
Obssession was able to fit in where he was accepted for his weirdness
Distinctive artwork
Unusual behaviours
Odd relationships
Need to search for patterns
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