03 September 2012

Advice on becoming strong.

A photo of Sid Harmer scrolling an iron bar, from his book “Feats of Strength” – another rarity from Dennis’ collection. The book was written sometime around 1930. Sid was known as the World’s Strongest Teenager and was a stickler for authenticity, often exposing frauds.
Here are a handful of his “golden rules for the would be athlete”-

1. Fresh air is your best friend. Take as much as you can and learn to breathe properly. Avoid stuffy rooms, especially sleeping rooms—fresh air never yet did anyone harm : foul air is the deadliest enemy to physical development.

2. Take everything in moderation. Excess in any form is harmful.

3. Do not live to eat, but eat to live. Therefore select only those foods which your system can best assimilate.

4. Keep the body clean and fresh. The functions of the skin are all-important: they can only be performed in a state of cleanliness.

5. Look upon your efforts seriously. Do nothing in spasms or spurts; a regular, even flow of exercise is the only one that counts.

6. Cultivate the habit of being cheerful. A hearty laugh is highly beneficial, so keep smiling.

7. Don't worry.

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