27 Dezember 2012

Excerpt. Transcript. YoungAdult2011.

1.     You love it. You love it.
2.     I'm gonna grab a beer. You want a drink?
3.     Oh, just a water.
4.     Can you give me another Summer Ale?
5.     Sure.
6.     It's fine. I'll just ["]pump and dump["] after the show. Don't worry I'm not trying to get my kid hammered [intoxicated].
7.     Wow, look at that.
8.     Ah, yeah, Fun-quarium. Always chills her out. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yes, it does. He's starting to get smiles.
9.     Cute.
10. He's like Buddy's clone.
11. No, I see you in there.
12. Really?
13. A lot of you, in fact.
14. Thanks.
15. Here you go, ladies.
16. So how's it going? I know you're writer. I saw a nice article about you in the Sun.
17. Yes, I'm a[n] author of a young adult series. It's distrubingly popular.
18. Huh, huh.
19. I like your decor. Is it shabby chic?
20. Pier One?
21. A little bit Goodwill.
22. Buddy and I used to go thfting all the time. Remember that? The nineties? Oh my God, Beth. We had this huge silly t-shirt collection. It was like a dumbest thing ever.
23. Yeah, nineties are awesome.
24. I used to sleep in his t-shirts and boxers. I think I still have a few.
25. Hey, I still have my one of ex-boyfriend's t-shirts. I can't bring myself to get rid of them.
26. What? Which one?
27. Like I'd tell you.
28. What's the chart?
29. Beth teaches ["]special needs["] kids.
30. A lot of my kids learn emotions cognitively. It doesn't come naturally come to them the way it does for you and me. So we need to show them this is what happy looks like, this is what anxious looks like, and so on.
31. What about neutral? What if you don't feel anything?
32. That's kind of how they are a lot of the time, so, yeah, don't need to teach it.

1.     Our school is ugly. Looks like a factory.
2.     It actually used to be a rubber fabrication plant back in the twenties.
3.     You know everything.
4.     These woods were like ["]Hump City["] back in the day. I remember being here with a few different guys.
5.     I never knew you were such a slut.
6.     I was normal.
7.     So how are things with old Buddy, huh? How's the master plan unfolding?
8.     Well, actually, he called me today and asked me if I wanted to participate in his baby's naming ceremony. I don't know. There's still so much that's unspoken, but. He's involving me in his child's life.
9.     Buddy is a married man. By all accounts, happily.
10. Yeah, happily married man go to bars alone with ex-girlfriends all the time. They call them privately, and they make out with them on the porches.
11. He did not make out with you.
12. You weren't there. We ["]made out["]. It was intense and passionate. He gave me his sweat shirt.
13. Yes, I noticed. They probably noticed in space. And FYI, you look completely insane wearing it. I don't know what Buddy is doing with you or you think he's doing with you. You need to move on.
14. You're one to talk. All you care about is some scuffle that happened 20 years ago. You lean on that crutch, you lean on excuses. And you and I both know you use this whole thing as an excuse to nothing with your life.
15. "Scuffle". You don't know shit about what happend to me. Those ["]jocks["] that you used to blow [to perform fellatio] during lunch, they shattered my legs, bashed in my brains, mangled my cock, so that I have to piss and cum sideways until the rest of my life. Then they left me for dead. You know, things aren't too great down south. I can barely get off by myself, let alone with another person.
16. You know, what's done is done. You can't keep dwelling on the past, Matt.
17. Are you fucking kidding? Talk about dwelling in the past. Here you are, back in Mercury, like a loser. Trying to score with a happily married man.
18. Buddy's not happy, okay? So just stop saying that.
19. You're hardly the authority on happiness, Sylvia.
20. You know what, Matt? It really is a shame you're like this because if you had a good personality, none of this other stuff would bother people.
21. Why don't you use my cluth again as a metaphor? That was brilliant, all right?. That was masterful. Or no, save it for you little teenage stories, all right? Because god knows you don't know shit about being an adult.

1.     Mavis?
2.     What?
3.     Are you okay?
4.     I'll be fine if I can get a real drink around here.
5.     I'll get some..
6.     Fuck you. Fuck you. You fucking bitch. Oh my God. You should see your face. It's a joke. Are you just gonna stand there like a big lump? I love your sweater.
7.     I'll get you rag.
8.     Yeah, go get me a rag. You got one of those lying around. Fucking burp clothes, whatever. You know the funny thing is? I could have this party a long time ago. This exact same party. Buddy and I were together for four years and we were inseparable. Jen knows. Right, Jen? Tell them.
9.     You wanna clean up?
10. Don't bother, it is silk. It's fucked.
11. Mavis, sweetheart.
12. Mom, I'm trying to tell a story here. Yeah, Buddy got me pregnant at twenty. [Age20] And we were gonna keep it. We were gonna have a little baby, a little naming party. and fun-quarium, all of that. I had Buddy's miscarriage. which I wouldn't wish for anyone. Maybe if things were a little more hopsitable ["]down south["] in my broken body. Buddy and I would be here right now with teenager and probably with more kids. Because we always found each other, always. Right, Jen? What the fuck?
13. It's a new drum set for Beth. What's wrong?
14. Nothing.
15. What do you mean, nothing? Are you one of those kids who need a fucking chart to learn feelings? Stand up for yourself. Why are you covering for me?
16. That's enough, Mavis. You're drunk.
17. Oh, I've been drunk since I've been back, mom. And nobody gave two shit until this one got all bent out of shape.
18. Mavis, what the hell is going on?
19. Why did you invite me?
20. I didn't invite you. My wife did. Beth practically forced me to call you. She feels sorry for you. We all do, Mavis. It's obvious you're having some mental sickness, some depression. You're very lonely and confused. So Beth made me invite you here even though I knew it was a mistake. I knew it.
21. You're lying.
22. He's not.
23. Well, what about now? You hate me now? Cause it should be easy, because I fucking hate you. Look at you. What is wrong with you people?
24. Mavis, honey.
25. You know, I came back for you. For you. And I hate this town. It's a hick, lack town that smells of fish shit. But I came back. Just wanted you to know that.

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