08 Januar 2013

List. Malapropism. TheSopranos.

1.     I'm reminded of Louis the Whatever's finance minister. The something. He built the château. Nicole and I saw it when we went to Paris. It even outshone Versales [Versailles], where the king lived. In the end, Louis clapped him in the eye.
2.     So, huh? This shit with Tony?/Total debacle. Pop's histestitory [?] doing anybody good, either./Anything you can do, change your father's mind./I'm gonna try, John. I came all the way up here for that./You put your sun block on?/So, as you know, dad, Tony Soprano came to visit me recently. I bought him dinner, we talked./I'm not sure I like it he did that end-run./He's an old-fashioned guy, pop. Very allegorical. [constituting or containing allegory, a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a Moral or Political one] I don't think it was his intention to insult anybody./You're distracting me. I'm taking a mulligan.
3.     Look at this./ Both Miami and // where we had our honeymoon. Nicole said, Let's buy it./You can just about smell the salt./You mean, the painting or the view?/Both./That's called the trunk pail of the oil. Fool the eye. It was done by an artist right over here in West-hamster. [West-hampton]
4.     The point that I'm trying to illustrate is that, of course no one wants an all-out conflict. But historically, historical changes come out of war. [unnecessary adverb]
5.     The fundamental question is, Will I be as effective as a boss like my dad was. And I will be. Even more so. But until I am, it's gonna be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective. [Fallacy logical]
6.     You can't stay ["]holed up["] here. It's not healthy, Carmine./How'd I get to this? Retaliation, counter-attacks. What a fucking stagmire [quagmire].
7.     JT, I gotta warn you. I'm very ["]hands on["]. And they're not the hard way. I want to welcome all of you to the first meeting of possible investors on this project. Some of you know, I have nine pictures under my subspecies. [Taxonomic category that tanks below species, usually a fairly permanent geographically isolated race. Subspecies are designated by a Latin trinomial.] Four in the South Beach Trunket (?) series alone. Each with 30 000 plus DVDs in print. That being said, I usually find it helpful to stage it into to include my prospective clients to get your inputs, or notes, we call them.
8.     So there's a script?/We want to surmise [suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it] your interest, then tell the part to your specifities [specifications]. No one plays tough, ruthless, hard-hearted prick like you do.
9.     I won't call it a sit-down because of inclement [(of the weather) unpleasantly cold or wet] negative implications. Let's think of it as a meeting of minds. For whatever reasons, certain incidents have expired [(of a document, authorisation, or agreement) cease to be valid, typically after a fixed period of time] lately in addition to being dangerous adverse impact on our respective bottom lines.
10. If one thing my father taught me, it's this: A pint of blood costs more than a gallon of gold. [A gallon of blood costs more than a pint of gold.]
11. Welcome to the premier of [the movie] Cleaver. The story of young man goes pieces, manages to find himself again. In all seriousness, however, I'd like to say a few words. Much like a child, a film has many parents. That is to say, many individuals who act like parents. Or that by diversion [an instance of turning something aside from its course OR an activity that diverts the mind from tedious or serious concerns; a recreation or pastime], film is their baby.
12. Dad, that was neat at the end. Creepy figure in the crucifix./Glad you caught that, Alexandra. Very observant. The sacred and the propane [profane].
13. One night around then, I had this dream. It's my pop's hundredth birthday even though he's been dead for years. The whole family's there. Grand-kids, everybody. He's wearing one of those gold paper crowns like a bourbon. Anyway, I give him this present. This mellifluous [(of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.] box. Ribbons.
14. So, the reason I'm here. You can probably guess./What happened in Coco's restaurant./This alteration [altercation] you had with him. You're at the precipice [a very steep rock face or cliff, typically a tall one], Tony, of an enormous crossroad.
15. Wasn't that the meteor?/They're all meat eaters./Meteor. Meteor.
16. My friends have abandoned me. I've been fucking ostrified. [ostracised]
17. You know what they say. Revenge is like serving cold cuts./I think it's, Revenge is dish served best cold./That's what I said.
18. She's an albacore [albatross, a source of frustration or guilt; an encumbrance (in allusion to Coleridge's TheRimeOfTheAncientMariner)]] around my neck.
19. I agree with that Senator Sanitorium. [Who?] He says, if we let this stuff go too far, pretty soon we'll be fucking dogs.
20. A guy like that is going out with a woman, he could technically [wrong word] not have penis-sary [penile, of, relating to, or affecting the penis] contact with her Volvo. [vulva, the female external genitals]
21. There's no stigmata [stigma, a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person] connected with going to a shrink.
22. We're going to create a little dysentery [infection of the intestines resulting in sever diarrhea with the presence of blood and mucus in the feces] in the ranks.
23. You know, Sung Tizzoo. [Sun-tzu] The Chinese Prince Matchabelli [Machiavelli].
24. What with the passing of Vito Senior and all that entrails [plural noun, a person or animal's intestines or internal organs, esp. when removed or exposed.] [entails, involve something as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence]
25. I was prostate [devastated] with grief.
26. Luke Abrazzi sleeps with the fishes./Luca Brasi. Luca Brasi.
27. World really went ["]down-hill["] after the WorldTradeCenter [collapsed]. You know, Quasimodo [Nostradamus] predicted all of this./Who did what?/All these problems, the Middle East. The end of the world./Nostradamus. Quasimodo's the Hunchback of Notre Dame./Oh, right. Notredamus./Nostradamus and Notre Dame. That's two different things completely./It's interesting, though, they'd be so similar, isn't it? And I always thought, "Okay, Hunchback of Notre Dame. You also got your quarterback and your halfback of Notre Dame"./One's a fucking cathedral./Obviously, I know. I'm just saying. It's interesting, the coincidence. What, you're gonna tell me you never pondered that? ["]The back thing["] with Notre Dame?/No.

2 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

Number 1: it's "De something"...he is talking about a French guy....Louis the whatever's finance minister.

Unknown hat gesagt…

Where it says Pop and "histestitory" toward the beginning. What he is saying "his testa d'oro" or "testa dura" in a more southern twang is Italian for "head of gold." It's used to call someone hard-headed or stubborn