I got a postcard from my
friend, George. It was a satellitepicture of the entire earth. It said, "Wish
you were here."
I was doing peyote when I took
my SATs. I got eighteenhundred.
Went to court
for a parkingticket, I pleaded insanity. I said, "Yourhonor, why would
anyone in their right mind park in a passinglane?"
Curiosity killed the cat, but,
for a while, I was the suspect.
When I die, I am going to leave
my body to sciencefiction.
I was arrested today for
scalping lownumbers in the deli. Sold them for twentyeightbucks.
I was once arrested for walking
in someone else's sleep.
I like to bring a flashlight to
the movie just to have all the rows moved down for no reason.
10. I used to be a narrator for bad mimes.
11. I was walking through the forest alone. A tree fell
right in front of me and I didn't hear it. Is there any question?
12. Feeling kind of hyper.
13. Went to a hardware store and bought some usedpaint. I was in the
shape of a house.
14. I also bought some batteries but they weren't
included. So I had to buy them again.
15. What do the batteries run on?
16. Why is the alphabet in that order? Because of that
song? Guy who wrote that song wrote everything.
17. Why is it a penny for your thoughts, but you have to put your
twocents in? Somebody is making a penny.
18. I like to tease my plants when I water them. I water them with
19. When I talk to myself, it bothers people because I
use megaphone.
20. Every once in a while, I like to stick my head out
the window, look at up at the sky and smile for satellitepicture.
21. It's my birthday recently. My birthday. I got a humidifer and a dehumidifer.
Put them in the same room and let them ["]fight it out["]. Then I
filled my humidifer with wax, now my room is all shiny.
22. I went to a museum where they had all the arms and legs of statues in
the other museum.
23. I had trouble going home, because I parked my car in a towawayzone.
When I came back, the entire area was gone.
24. So I walked. Everywhere is in walking
distance if you have the time.
25. They should iron this.
26. I used to work for factory where you make hydrants, but you couldn't
park anywhere near the place.
27. I used to be a proofreader for skywritingcompany.
28. Years ago, naturalorganichealthfoodstore in SeattleWashington. One
day, a man walked in and said, "If I melt dry ice, can I swim without
getting wet?" I said, "I don't know. Let me ask Tony."
29. Two days later, I was fired for eating cottoncandy and drinking straightbosco
on the job.
30. So I figured out to live the area. I had no ties there anyway except
for this girl. We had conflicting attitude. I wasn't
really into meditation. She really wasn't into being alive.
31. I told her I knew when I was going to die, because my birthcertificate
has an expirationdate.
32. I decided to leave and go to California. So I packed my SavadorDaliprint
of two blindfolded dentalhygenists, trying to make a circle on an etchsketch.
33. And I headed for the highway and began hitching. Within three
minutes, I got picked up by one of those huge trailertrucks, carrying twentybrandnewcars.
He opened the door, the guy said, "I don't have too much room in here. You
want to get into one of the cars in back?" So I did. He was really into
picking, because he picked up nineteen more. We all had our own cars. Then he
drove ninetymiles an hour, we all got speedingtickets.
34. I had the photograph on my license outoffocus onpurpose.
So, when the police stop me, they go, "Here. You can go."
35. Sometimes, you can't hear me because sometimes I'm in parentheses.
36. I've bought some powderwater, but I don't know what to add.
37. I went to this strangest sweepstakes. It's a contest. You pay fiftycents,
you get a card, there's a number on it. You go up to any stranger. You scratch
a panty on his head. The number on the head matches your number you have, you
win onehundreddollars. I won twice. I was beat up eleventimes.
38. I'm saving the money because I'm planning trip to Spain. So, I
bought an album that teaches you the language, put the album on, put the
headphone on, and you learn the language while you sleep. During the night, the
record skipped. When I got up next day, when I woke up, I could only stutter in
39. When I go fly, I fly inAirBizarre. It's a good airline but the
combination is in onewayroundtripticket. You leave anyMonday. They bring you
back the previousFriday. That way, you still have the weekend.
40. I'm going to court next week. I've been selected for juryduty. It's
kind of insane case. Sixthousandsants dressed as rice and robbed a chineserestaurant.
I don't think they did it. I know a few of them and they wouldn't do anything
like that.
41. I lost a buttonhole. Where am I going to get a buttonhole?
42. I stayed up one night, playing poker with tarotcards. I got a
fullhouse and four people died.
43. I have a telescope on peephole on my door, I can see who's at the
door at twohundredmiles. "Who is it? When is it going to be when you get
44. I got an answeringmachine for my phone. Now, when
I am not home, somebody calls me up, they hear the recording of busysignal.
45. I like to leave messages before the beep.
46. Sorry, my mind was wandering. One time, my mind went all the way to
Phoenix, ordered a meal, I couldn't pay for it.
47. I have a map of theUnitedStates. It's actual size. Says 1mile=1mile.
People ask me, "Where do you live?" I say, "E five."
"Where do you live?" "E five." [Last summer, I folded it.]
48. I bought one of those little glassbowls with snow in it. You turn it
upside down, you turn it back it starts snowing. I bought one. Except the one I
have little plow in it and comes out and does pilates. It's kind of like it.
49. Last night, I was in a bar and walked up to this beautiful woman and
I said, "Do you live around here often?" She said, "You're
wearing two different colors of socks." I said, "Yes, but, to me,
they're the same because I go by thickness."
50. Then she said, "How do you feel?" I
said, "Well, you know, when you're sitting on a chair. You lean back. You
stand on two legs. You lean too far. You almost fall back. Just the second, you
lost yourself and you catch yourself? I feel like that all the time."
51. I broke a mirror. My house was supposed to get sevenyears of badluck
but my lawyer thinks he can get me five.
52. I finally went to the eyedoctor. I got contacts, but I only needed
them when I read, so I got flipups.
53. I keep them on my desk right next to my typewriter. I have the oldest
typewriters in the world. Types and pencils.
54. Under my bed, I have a shoebox. A little telephone that rings.
Whenever I get lonely, I open it up Just a little bit and I get a call. One
time I dropped the box all over the floor and it wouldn't stop ringing. So I
had it disconnected.
55. I got another phone, though. I didn't have much money. I had to get
nearregular phone. It had no five on it. The phone no number five. I was
walking down the street. I bumped into a good friend of mine. He said, "How
come you never call me anymore?" I said, "I can't call everyone I want.
My phone has no five on it." He said, "That's really weird." He
said, "How long have you had it?" I said, "I don't know. My
calendar has no sevens."
56. I got up the other day, everything in my apartment had been stolen
and replaced with an exact replica. Couldn't believe it. Called my friend "Here,
look at this stuff. It's all exact replica. What do you think?" He said, "Do
I know you?"
57. I bought one of those little glassbowls with snow in it. Just
58. The human body is made up of ninetyeightpercent of water. That means
everybody is exact far away from drowning.
59. I live in a house which is on the medianstrip of driveway. It's
good. I like it. The only thing I don't like is, When I leave my house, I have
to be going sixtymiles an hour.
60. One night, a jet flew a little bit close to my house. I was walking
from the living to the kitchen, the stewardess told me to sit down.
61. I was cleaning out my closet, I found an old bathingsuit that I made
out of sponges. I remember one time, pool, and I left. When I came back, no one
could go swimming until I came back.
62. In my bed, I have a nightlight. I have a search nightlight. Goes
back and forth across the room like this. If I have to go to bathroom in the
middle of night, I have to time it so I don't get caught.
63. I was walking my dog around my building on a
ledge. A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths.
64. I have a threeyeardog. I named him Stay. He was a lot of fun when he
was a puppy, because I call him and say, "Come here, Stay. Come here,
Stay." And he would go.
65. He's a lot smart than that now. When I call him, he just ignores me
and keeps on typing. He's anEastGermanShepherd.
66. My girlfriend has a queensizedbed, I have a courtjestersizedbed. It's
red and green and it has bells on it. The ends curl up.
67. I woke up one morning. She asked me if I slept
good. I said, "No, I made a few mistakes."
68. When I was a little, I had a backyard. We had a quick sandbox. I was
an only child eventually.
69. One time, the police stopped me for speeding. He said, "You
know, the speed limit is fiftymiles an hour." I said, "Yeah, I know,
but I wasn't going to be out that long."
70. I used to be a waiter. I was fired for clearing tables. I was clearing
them for takeoff. I had them lined up outside. People thought I was an outdoor
café. I said, "No, he's leaving at three."
71. They would have fired me anyway, because I told them I think they
should wrap around the straw on the inside, because that's the part you don't
want get dirty.
72. I like to skate on the other side of the ice.
73. I like to reminisce with people I don't know.
74. I like to fill my topup with water, and turn the
shower on, and act like a submarine that's been hit.
75. And I hate it when my foot falls sleep during the day, because that
means it's going to up all night.
76. When I get real, real bored, I like to drive downtown and get a great
parkingspot, sit in my car, and count how many people ask me I'm leaving.
77. Can't remember the rest. Now, I'm having amnesia
and déjàvu at the same time.
78. When I was a baby, I kept a diary. Recently, I was re-reading it. It
said, Day one, still tired from the move. Day two, everybody talks to me like
I'm an idiot.
79. Last time I went skiing, I had to get up at fivethirty in the
morning, I knew I couldn't do that. So, I slept with my skis on.
80. When he came at five o'clock in the morning, he couldn't wake me up,
so he carried me out of the house, put the keys in, put me to the roof, drive
to the mountain. Seventy miles an hour, I woke up. I had this bizarre dream
that I was skydiving horizontally. I'm sure that's happened to you.
81. I spilled spotremover around my dog now. He's gone.
82. I got up this morning. Couldn't find my socks, so
I called information. I said, "Information?" She said, "Yes."
I said, "I can't find my socks." She said, "Behind the couch."
And they were.
83. I got tired of calling up the movies and listen to the record of what
is playing, so I bought the album.
84. Last time I went to the movie, I was thrown out for bringing my own
food. My argument was, Concessions prices were outrageous. Besides, I haven't
had a barbeque in a long time.
85. I went to the synagogue. Adults, fivedollars, Children, twofifty. I
said, "All right, give me two boys and a girl."
86. One time, I went to a drivein in a cab. The movie
cost me ninetyfivedollars.
87. I went to a place that said, "Breakfast anytime". So, I ordered
frenchtoast during theRenaissance.
88. I just ["]gotoutof["] hospital. I was in a speedreading accident.
I hit a bookmark. Flew across the room.
89. I've been doing a lot of painting. Abstractpainting. Extremly abstract.
No bursh, no canvas. I just think about it.
90. One time I went to a museum. All the work in the museum had done by
children. They had paintings hung up on refrigerators.
91. I left the museum. I was walking down the street. I
saw a man that had woodenlegs and realfeet. He asked me, "You know what
time it is?" I said, "Yes, but not right now."
92. The icecreamtruck in my neighborhood plays
93. I called the wrong number today. I said, "Is Joey there?" A
woman answered. She said, "Yes, he is." I said, "Can I speak to
him, please?" She said, "He can't talk right now, he's only two
months old." I said, "All right, I'll wait."
94. One time, in the middle of a jobinterview, I took out a book and
started reading. The guy said, "What the hell are you doing?" I said,
"Let me ask you one question. If you're traveling at the speed of light
and you turn your lights on, do they do anything?" He said, "I don't
know." I said, "Forget it, then, I don't want to work for you."
95. I have never seen electricity. That's why I don't pay for it.
"I'm sorry. I haven't seen it all month."
96. For a while I didn't have a car, I had a helicopter. I had nowhere
to park it, so I just tied a rope to it and leave it running.
97. There's a pizza place near where I live that only sell slices. You
go up there and there's a guy throwing up little triangles.
98. Today, I was. No, that wasn't me.
99. Yesterday, I saw a subliminal advertisingexecutive just for a
I am writing a book. I have the
pagenumbers down, now I just have to fill in the rest.
I wrote a song, too, but I
can't read music, so I don't know what it is. Sometimes, I turn on the radio
and say to myself, "I think I might have written that."
I've written several
children'sbooks. Not onpurpose.
Whenever I'm
around little baby, I always write down the noises he's making, so years later,
I can ask him what he meant.
First time I read a dictionary,
I thought it was a poem about everything.
I'm learning how to play the
harmonica, but the only way I know how to play is to drive onehundredmiles an
hour, put a harmonica in my hand, stick my hand out the window. I've been
arrested three times for practicing [it].
Last time I tried to commit
suicide, it was about an hour ago. It's down the street on the roof of this
very tall building. I ran and leap up, accidentally triple back and standing on
my feet. nobody saw it but two kittens. One of them said to the other one,
"See? That's how you do that."
A while ago, I had no
electricity in my house. I had no light. I couldn't see what I was doing. Good
thing my camera had a flash. I was going around my house like this. I had to
make a sandwich, I took sixty pictures of my ketchup. Neighbors called the
police. Thank god there was a lightning in my house.
My house is made out of //wood. No one is home across the street except for little kids. I come
out and lift my house over my head. I tell them to stay off my yard or I'll
throw it at them.
I put tape on mirrors on my
walls, so I accidently walk through another dimension.
I had one of those oldfashioned
type sinks. One faucet for the hot water, one for the cold water. Shower is
like that, too. I have to keep running back and forth.
I put instant coffee into a
microwave, now I almost go back in time.
I put a new engine in my car
and didn't take the other one out. I can go fivehundredsmiles an hour. The
harmonica sounds amazing.
I took the headlights off and
put the strobelights on. So when I drive at night, it looks like I'm the only
one that's moving.
I like my dentalhygenist. I
think she's very pretty. So, whenever I have my teeth clean, when I'm in a
waiting room, I eat an entire box of Orioca case. Sometimes they have to cancel
the rest of the appointments.
When I
couldn't sleep, so I get up. Then I got hungry and went down the store. When I
got there, guy outside twentyfour hours. He said, "Sorry, we're
closed." I said, "What do you mean, it's closed? The sign says
twentyfourseven." He said, "Not in a row."
If you can't have everything,
where would you put it?
The other day, I got on an
elevator. This old guy got on with me. I pushed four. I said, "Where are
you going?" He said, "Phoenix". So I pushed Phoenix. Doors open,
two tumbleweeds blow in. We step off, we're in downtownPhoenix. "You know,
you're the kind of guy who really like to hang around."
He said, "I'm going out to
desert. You want to go?" I said, "Sure." We hopped in this car
and started driving out to the desert. He told me he spent most of his life
working on a researchproject for theGovernment, trying to find out who financed
the pyramids. They worked on it for thirtyyears, they paid him an incredible
amount of money. He told me he was pretty sure. It was a guy named Eddie.
We got to his house. Five
hundred miles in the middle of the desert. Phone rings. He said, "You get
it." I said, "All right." I picked it up. He said,
"StevenWright?" I said, "Yeah?" He said, "This is Mr.
Haynes, your StudentLoan directed me from your bank." I said,
"Yeah?" He said, "You're sixtytwobankpayments behind. Found out
today we received from the institue. None of the seventythousandsdollars we
loaned you. We'd really like to know what you did with it." I said,
"I'm not going to lie to you. I gave it to a friend of mine named
JigsCasey. He built a nuclearweapon with it. I'd really appreciate it if you
wouldn't call me anymore."
I have several hobbies which I
enjoy to the fullest. I have a large seashellcollection which I keep scattered
on the beaches all over the world. Maybe you've seen it.
I also collect rare
photographs. I have two very rare photographs. One of them is, Houdini locked
in his keys with his car. The other one is a rare photograph of NormanRockwell,
beating up a child.
[I was in
MuseumOfNaturalHistory in NewYork[City]. Accidentally, walked into ladie'sroom.
They said, "It's all right, he thought it was an exhibit."]
[They get all
upset. Women, can't live with them, can't shoot them.]
Friday, I was in a bookstore. I
started talking to this very frenchlooking girl. She was bilingualilliterate,
she couldn't read in two different languages.
My bus came in and I get on.
Sat beside this beautiful blondechinesegirl. I said, "Hello." She
said, "Hello" I said, "Isn't it an amazing day?" She said,
"Yes, it is, I guess." I said, "What do you mean, You guess?"
She said, "Well, things haven't been going too well for me lately." I
said, "Like what?" She said, "I can't tell you. I don't even
know you." I said, "Yeah, but, sometimes, it's good to tell your
problem to an absolutetotalstranger on a bus." She said, "I've just
come back from myanalyst and he's still unable to help me." I said,
"What's the problem?" She paused and said, "I'm a nymphomaniac
and I'm only turned on by jewishcowboys." Then she said, "By the way,
my name is Diane." I said, "Hello, Diane, I'm BuckyGoldstein."
When I first
moved to a house, there was a switch on the wall that didn't control any lights
or anything. I just flick it up and down every once in a while. About a month
later, I got a letter from a woman inGermany, saying, "Cut it out."
I have a microwavefireplace. You
can lay out in front of the fire for the evening in eightminutes.
For a while, I lived in Vermont
with a guy named Winnie. We lived in a house that ran on staticelectricity. We
wanted to cook something, we had to take our sweater off real quick. We wanted
to run a blender, we had to rub balloons on our heads.
I thought I was a
procrastinator until I met Winnie. Winnie got a birthmark when he was eight.
All Winnie
did all day was to practice limbo. He got pretty good. He could go under a rug.
People come over and say, "What's that?" I said, "That's
About sixmonths after we moved,
I looked outside my window, I saw a bird with sneakers. He wore a little button
that said, "I ain't flying nowhere." So I opened the window and said,
"What's your problem, buddy?" He said, "I am sick of this stuff
every year. It's the same thing. Winter here, summer there, winter here, summer
there. I don't know who thought this up. But, certainly, it wasn't a bird"
"Well, I was just making breast. Come on in. Do you want some eggs?
Stones. I love theStones. Can't
believe they're doing it after all these years. Watch them whenever I can. Fred
and Bernie.
Last summer,
I drove across the country with a friend of mine. We split the drive, we
switched every half a mile. Whole way across, we had one cassette tape to
listen to. Can't remember what it was.
We were in SaliniUtah when we
were arrested for not going through green light. We pleaded, Maybe. I asked the
judge if he knew what time it is. He told me. I said, "Nofurtherquestions."
For absolutely no reason, I
went to Canada. I was feeling good. I just received my degree in calciumAnthropology.
The study of milkman.
We were driving to the border,
back into theUnitedStates. They asked me if I had any firearms. I said,
"What do you need?"
I was traveling with my friend,
George. Some people think George is weird because he has sideburns behind his
ears. I think he's weird because he has false teeth but he has braces on them.
Last time I went camping, I
accidentally borrowed a circustent. I didn't know it until I got there and set
it up. People complaining because they couldn't see the lake.
There was a forest nearby. It
wasn't just any forest. I was a forest where they get penhandle. It was a long
thin forest.
My friend, George, is a radioannouncer.
When he walks under a bridge, you can't hear him talk.
My watch is
threehours fast and I can't fix it. So I am going to move to NewYork.
Couple of night ago, I came
home very late. It was next night.
I was having a little bit of
trouble, getting into my apartment. Accidentally, I took out a car key and
stuck it in the door, turned in, and the building started up. So I drove around
a while. I went too fast and the police pulled me over. He said, "Where do
you live?" I said, "Right here."
I parked in the middle of the
highway. I ran out the frontdoor and yelled, "Get the hell out of my driveway."
Nobody lives in the building knows
building have been moved because everybody who lives in the building is
absolutely insane. Man who lives above me desgined synthetichairballs for ceramiccats.
A woman who lives besides me
tried to rob a departmentstore with pricinggun. She walked in and said, "Give
me all the money in the vault or I'm going to knock everything down in this
It's a good apartment to live
in because they allow pets. I have a pony. I have a shetlandpony named Nicky. I
like to ride him in my apartment. I have to flip up album or I don't know how
to listen to stereo. Want to make a sandwich, I ride into the kitchen, he slides
on the tiles, he falls down.
Last summer, he was involved in
bizarre electrolysisaccident. All the hair was removed except the tail. Now, I
rent him out to Kushner family in Peking.
Last. Whenever I move this,
glass breaks.
Last night, I had a dream. All
the babies prevented by the pill showed up. They were mad.
I was Zizillianborn [?]. Can't really tell? Although, whenever I leave the house, I go through
the window.
Friend of mine named Dennis is
a parent of a midget. But he's not a midget. He's a midgetdwarf. He's this big.
He's a guy who poses for trophies.
The girl I'm seeing now, I met
her in Macy's in NewYorkCity. She was buying clothes, I was putting slinkies on
[guitar acoustic, start]
The girl I'm seeing now, her
name is Rachel. She's a very pretty girl. She has emeraldeyes and longflowingplaithair.
Last weekend, we went up
camping, way up in Canada. I don't know how she did it, but she got poisonivy
on her brain. The only way she could scratch it was she thought about sandpaper.
She's a rich girl. She's from
somewhere else. And her father is an incredible millionaire. You know how he
made his money? (How? How? How?) He's a guy who designed that little diagram
which shows you which way to put batteries in something.
Hey, hey, Rachel dear. How I
wish you were here. Hey, hey, I can almost see you.
Having sex with Rachel. It's
amazing. It's like going to a concert, it really is. She yells a lot. She
throws freesbies around the room.
When she wants more, she lights
a match.
Hey, hey, Rachel dear. How I
wish you were here. Hey, hey, I can almost see you.
[guitar acoustic, end]
I went skiing inEngland. It was
a rarepackage. Twoweeks in england, onenight inConnecticut, twoweeks inEngland.
"Yes, I'll take it."
I got on this chair, I didn't
know this guy, we went half up the mountain without saying a word. He said, "It's
the first time I have been skiing in tenyears." I said, "Why did you
take such long time off?" He said, "I was in jail. You want to know
why?" I said, "Not really. Okay, you'd better tell me why." And
he said, "I pushed a total stranger off the ferris'swheel." I said,
"All right, my deal."
Thank you very much. Thanks a lot.