25 April 2013

IMDb. Forum. RikiOh.TheStoryOfRicky1991.

The Riki-Oh Drinking Game
  by widowmaker10   (Wed Mar 1 2006 17:24:14)
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My friends and I pioneered the creation of the Riki-Oh drinking game; the rules are that you watch the movie with both English dubs and the English subtitles take a drink whenever the following happens:

1. The dubs and subtitles match (or when they don't match, for the suicidal).
2. Ricky punches something.
3. The assistant warden removes his eye.
4. Someone yells "Bastard!".
5. A gravestone is destroyed (*this one can be dangerous)

In addition, one has to finish their drink whenever
1. Ricky has a freak-out (screaming and whatnot).
2. Women jump off of buildings and land at impossible angles.
3. Any animal (like, say, a dog) gets it's sh*t ruined.

We're always looking for new rules, any ideas?

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