07 Juli 2013


  Woke up after8AM. Could not concentrate onPracticalHomicideInvestigation.4e. Surfed on the internet until before1AM. Decided to finish it tomorrow atHPL.McKinney, because Cannot concentrate in theapt. Left theapt. Metro.MuseumDistrictStation. MFAH. Bought a meal at a foodtruck, operated by blackman. Shrimpsomething and wickedsomething. Delicious. 11 + 2 + 9 USD. Bought a ticket forLaNocheDeEnfrente2012. Bought tickets for various screenings in jul. and sep. Walked to-BetweenRichmondAndMontrose. DirkCoffee. Bought twobottles of orangejuice. I fucking hate MinuteMaid. One blackman, probably RiceUniv.asshole, was reading Economicssection of-theNewYorkTimes. Another cunt was preparing her journey to-westernEurope by reading a volume ofLonelyPlanet. Returned toMFAH. WatchedLaNocheDeEnfrente2012. Felt hypnotised. Metro. Theapt. Now, 7:56PM.
  Will perform squats and sleep.

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