08 Mai 2012


May 8th, 2012 at 5:27 PM | 0 Comments

Finished At the Mountain of Madness by Lovecraft last night. It was good. I wish I had more imagination to enjoy it more thoroughly. The problem is the enjoyment I felt during reading the stories evaporate as soon as I finish them because I cannot recall which is which or which contained what. AT the mountain of madness is a story by Lovecraft and IN the mountain of madness it the film by John Carpenter 1995. with Sam Neil. I finished The Shadow over Dunhill. It was good. Was about a man who goes to a deserted city named Dunhill. It is not dunhill, it is innsmouth. Must have been a confusion because there is a story which has dunhill in it. Confusion. Let's try to trace it. The Shadow over Innsmouth was incomplete. The Shadow over --> Lovecraft --> Dunhill is inserted. --> The Shadow over Dunhill. Suppose this happens when I have to do something important. Memory is unrealiable. I need to strengthen it. I need to strengthen it. I need to strengthen it.

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