What I did today. Watched NakedLunch1991 without paying attention. Restoration and digitaltransfer done byCriterionCollection, impeccable as usual. Still wait for papertrimmer. PostOffice.AlmedaAndOldSpanishTrail. BookOne. AManualOfGreekMath.ThomasLHeath. Spent the day idly. Read a part ofStanleyKubrickInterview, MississippiUniv.Press. Interviews regarding making of2001ASpaceOdyssey1968, highlyinspiring. 24may ofthisyear, BeforeMidnight2013 released. Will finish a book today. So many thing on the list. Cleaning theapt. needed. Bought a ticket for the screening of BeforeTrilogy byRichardLinklater and KillingOfAChineseBookieThe1976. Will have to travel toAustinTX.
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