09 Mai 2013


  onCharlieRose. It is clear that he advocates the theories of-SamuelHuntington and -ThomasFriedman. He believes in the necessity of the propaganda exercised byStatepower. Theworst interviewer one can think of. Constant interruption or interjection. I feel deeplysorry for thefilmmakers and actors who are interviewed by him. Do not believe in theabsoluteobjectivity of a journalist. The same is true of psychiatrist or clinicalpsychologist. CharlieRose has already formulated the course of interviews and constantly tries to control it. In this respect, he and HowardStern have the same quality. Am positive that he considers himself one of the leaders who formulate the opinions of generalpopulation. He harbors hatred secretive to theinternet, as is usual with many journalists. His laughter counterfeit is mostdisgusting.

  Pasting on-Elements and -Conics completed. Wait for papertrimmer. Wait for thesecondbook, LaGéometrie parRenéDescartes. List, NakedLunch1991. Shivers1975. Rabid1977. StanleyKubrickInterviews. AnimalFarm. 1984. NakedLunchNovel.

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