What I did today. Woke up. Read Hitchock parFrançois Truffaut. Intention, frenchSyntax. Death is inevitable. Skimmed TheCompleteFilmsOfJohnHuston byJohnMcCarty and TheFilmsOfAkiraKurosawa3eExpandedAndUpdatedWithANewEpilogue byDonaldRichie. Highlyeffective reminders of the films explained. Desire to watch the filmographie complete ofJohnHuston. AsphaltJungleThe1950, verysad. Criterion, aug2013, Seconds1966, ToBeOrNotToBe1942. Seconds is fucking amazing. Will finish the labour manual, Archimedes.ThomasLHeath and GéometrieLa. Need to suppress my appetite in Film. Death is inevitable.
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