12jul2013. Woke up at12PM. Was still tired, because of the night between wednesday and thursday. Tried to take a shower, but the water was not produced from faucet. Left the apt. Moved the books from the truck to the apt. Drove the truck to the shellgasstation betweenAlmedaAndOST. While Trying to turn left, the left side of the truck was stopped by a short pole. Made a wider turn and stopped in front of different spot. The collision made long scratch. Bought 68USD worth of gas. Withdrew 40USD from anATM, 2USD? additional fee. Returned the truck and paid additional 180USD? for traveling toHouston. Walked to the postoffice and obtained the package. The clerk gave me a package forMinjiSeo, who lives in theapt108. Dumbass. Left the postoffice and walked northwards. Walked to "training station" inHermannPark nearMuseumOfNaturalHistory and performed pullups, less than twentyfive. Walked toMuseumDistrictStation. Metro. McGowenStation. Walked to greyhoundbusstation. Bought a ticket toAustinTX, 25jul2013, 8AM.11AM, more than 8USD and less than 9USD. Walked toGothamPizza. Ate a bowl of spaghetti. The manager, who considers me familiar, gave me a lunchspecial after it ended thirtyminutesago. Walked towardsWestheimer.westwards. Visited fourtattooshops and decided to obtain tattos atJoe'sTattooPalour, because it has themostvarious choice. Before entering Joe'sTattooPalour, Bought a gatorade. The clerk was readingTheMillionaireMind. Looked at the exterior ofDomyBooksHouston. That wormyprick got what he deserved. Walked toSpaceCity and looked at the reproductions of drawings or paintings. Walked towardsRichmond. BetweenRichmondAnd**, Decided to visit therecordshop betweenRichmondAndHazard. Entered the store and asked the owner about broken turntables. He said that he only had oneturntable which functions, 400USD, and that the rest of them was parts. Asked him whether Could buy any parts, but he said no and recommended that Go to SalvationArmy or WillGood. Cocksucker. Walked toIssues and bought ScientificAmerican, Nature, and DerSpiegel. Walked to**Games and observed. Found that the tables for assembling toys are free of charge. It was after6PM. There was a possibility that Would have been late for the screening ofGreenwichVillageTheMusicThatDefinedAGeneration201? at7PM. Bus27.InnerLoop arrived presently. It arrived atMedicalTransitCenter. Metro. MuseumDistrictStation. Arrived atMFAH. WatchedGreenwichVillageTheMusicThatDefinedAGeneration201?. The usual pussycriticism disappointed me, granted that the subject is about folkmusic inGreenwichVillageNYC during1960s. Metro. RomaPizza. Walked toChevronstation and bought liquids. Returned toRomaPizza and obtained the pizza.margarita.large. Theapt. Was fatigued. Slept at-midnight. 13jul2013. Woke up after12PM. Felt refreshed. Shower. Filled onebookshelves with hardcovers. Decided to discard the harcovers byStephenKing, AnneRice, and RobinCook. Thefirstfloor is still borderlique, Thought that it will be fuckingclean finally once Buy all necessary bookshelves. Left theapt. Walked to theliquorstore and Bought twobottles of-heineken. Thought about the possibility of notdrinking thesecondbottle, it turned out to be correct. Metro.700bus. Twomales inSUV.chevrolet.black, possibly RiceUassholes, made a sound of nativeamericans to mock me and laughed before turning left. A couple heterosexual caucasian, who visited gunandknifeshow atReliantStadium entered the bus with me. Exited the bus between**AndSmith. Walked toGoroNGun and found that it would have opened at4PM. Walked to a bar betweenPrestonAnd**. As soon as Entered the establishment, Decided to leave it. Walked toBarnaby'sCafe.downtown. The waiter was a realprick, and Ordered lemonade and housesalad. Less than7USD. Walked toSundanceHoustonCinema and bought a ticket forWayWayBackThe2013. Walked toHPL.McKinney. Tried to reserve some books, but the new databasesystem had problems Could not solve. Returned toSundanceHouston and watchedWayWayBackThe2013. It was great. Walked to-betweenDallasAnd** and entered Bus700. MuseumDistrictStation. Walked toMFAH. Bought twocookies atCafeExpress. They tasted like shit. WatchedPontDuNordLe1981. Had to resist the desire to sleep. Liked it, because there was no unnecessary editing and was noise of streets ofParis. Bus700.theapt.
I can feel the my assault to RiceUfuckfaces after the beginning of new semester. They will be returning from downton to the campus as I return to theapt. from somewhere. Theones who happen to be alone or a pair never make verbalabuse, for obvious reasons. Theones who are in smallgroup and slightlyintoxicated mock me as soon as they perceive me. The ideal situation is a footballthug, who are accompanied by other footballthugs. They will certainly say something as soon as they perceive me. But, for some reason, they rarely take metro. Theones I see usually is a group of various ethnicity with both sexes, theones who are being trained to be elitists and will certainly become elitists, and who idealise theBritishEmpire of the nineteenthcentury. I know that the occasion will arrive, as long as I take metro to visit various locations. I hope that they provoke me as usual, so that I can fuck them up.
I will be able to concentrate on my study better once the firstfloor is clean and orderly. I will have to hire movers to move the piano. I will also block everywindow with rectangularwood. Good to see you, wood, anything you need, you let me know. I need to start searching jobs.
14jul2013. Woke up after8AM. Slept after10AM. Woke up after3PM. Left the apt. Bus700. MuseumDistrictStation. **. Ordered tacos.flowers and beverage. Sat outside and started eating it. A pair, onemale and onefemale, started looking at me. They disrupted my peace and Stopped eating the tacos. Themale waved at me as they were leaving, and Approached them. I said, What the fuck did you say? He said something like chillout. Shoved him. Thefemale said something, and Shoved her. She said, You don't lay a hand on a woman. Thought that it was bullshit. They didn't provoke me further, and Did not push them further. Thefemale said that Would be arrested and entered the restaurant. Walked toMFAH. Looked at manipulated photographs from theearlytwentiethcenturies. Watched PontDuNordLe1981. Bus700. Thought about going toJangGeumRestaurant and decided not to. Walked to** and bought numberfour and numberfive. Theapt. Ate the food. Slept. 15jul2013. Woke up after8AM. Left theapt after9AM. Themetro. It was filled with pricksandcuts at-theMedicalCenter. MainStreetSquareStation. HPL.McKinney. Waited for less than fiveminutes in front of it. Studyroom.secondfloor. Summarised PracticalHomicideInvestigation.4e until after2PM. Left the lib. As Was leaving, Saw a book ofJoelOsteen, BecomeABetterYou, which was translated into korean. Saw onepage of it for fiveseconds. Wonder the fuck he is doing right now. It was probable that somebody deliberately placed it there. Walked toSundanceHoustonCinema and bought a ticket forWayWayBackThe2013. Walked toThai** and ate a meal. UHD. Continued summarising until before6PM. It will certainly be finished by the end of this week. Will startSynopsisOfPsychiatry.10e. Metro. PrestonStation. GoroNGun. Misoramen and twodrinks. 20USD. Metro. Theapt. Now, 7:52PM.
I can feel the my assault to RiceUfuckfaces after the beginning of new semester. They will be returning from downton to the campus as I return to theapt. from somewhere. Theones who happen to be alone or a pair never make verbalabuse, for obvious reasons. Theones who are in smallgroup and slightlyintoxicated mock me as soon as they perceive me. The ideal situation is a footballthug, who are accompanied by other footballthugs. They will certainly say something as soon as they perceive me. But, for some reason, they rarely take metro. Theones I see usually is a group of various ethnicity with both sexes, theones who are being trained to be elitists and will certainly become elitists, and who idealise theBritishEmpire of the nineteenthcentury. I know that the occasion will arrive, as long as I take metro to visit various locations. I hope that they provoke me as usual, so that I can fuck them up.
I will be able to concentrate on my study better once the firstfloor is clean and orderly. I will have to hire movers to move the piano. I will also block everywindow with rectangularwood. Good to see you, wood, anything you need, you let me know. I need to start searching jobs.
14jul2013. Woke up after8AM. Slept after10AM. Woke up after3PM. Left the apt. Bus700. MuseumDistrictStation. **. Ordered tacos.flowers and beverage. Sat outside and started eating it. A pair, onemale and onefemale, started looking at me. They disrupted my peace and Stopped eating the tacos. Themale waved at me as they were leaving, and Approached them. I said, What the fuck did you say? He said something like chillout. Shoved him. Thefemale said something, and Shoved her. She said, You don't lay a hand on a woman. Thought that it was bullshit. They didn't provoke me further, and Did not push them further. Thefemale said that Would be arrested and entered the restaurant. Walked toMFAH. Looked at manipulated photographs from theearlytwentiethcenturies. Watched PontDuNordLe1981. Bus700. Thought about going toJangGeumRestaurant and decided not to. Walked to** and bought numberfour and numberfive. Theapt. Ate the food. Slept. 15jul2013. Woke up after8AM. Left theapt after9AM. Themetro. It was filled with pricksandcuts at-theMedicalCenter. MainStreetSquareStation. HPL.McKinney. Waited for less than fiveminutes in front of it. Studyroom.secondfloor. Summarised PracticalHomicideInvestigation.4e until after2PM. Left the lib. As Was leaving, Saw a book ofJoelOsteen, BecomeABetterYou, which was translated into korean. Saw onepage of it for fiveseconds. Wonder the fuck he is doing right now. It was probable that somebody deliberately placed it there. Walked toSundanceHoustonCinema and bought a ticket forWayWayBackThe2013. Walked toThai** and ate a meal. UHD. Continued summarising until before6PM. It will certainly be finished by the end of this week. Will startSynopsisOfPsychiatry.10e. Metro. PrestonStation. GoroNGun. Misoramen and twodrinks. 20USD. Metro. Theapt. Now, 7:52PM.
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