23 Juli 2013


  Woke up before12PM. Watched a video ofChomsky and playedTetris.MAME. Left the apt. after3PM. Metro. Bus2. BetweenRanchesterAndBellaire. JangGeumRestaurant. Meal. Left it. Walked toBetweenGessnerAndBellaire. Gave oneUSD to a blackman who had only twentyUSDs. Apt. Now, BurgerKing, 8:47PM.
  Plan. If will wakeup before10:30PM, MFAH. If not, next. MAME.Tetris, Gunbird1&2, etc. Will eat a meal abundantly. Might watch a movie atSundanceHouston, if Feel like it. 25jul2013. Will wake up before7AM. GreyhoundBusStation. 8AM.11AM. Austin. UHaul. Van. BookCaseStore. If GameRepublik, Play until-midnight. If not, return toHTX. Fill the bookshelves. Determine howmanymore needed.

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