27 Juli 2013


  24jul2013. Woke up before11AM. PlayedGunbird. Decided to go toAustin. Walked toBankOfAmerica.SouthMain. Checked the balance. The new manager, a cunt, decreased the openinghours of the branch. Walked toBetweenMainAndOST. UHaul. Van unavailable. Truck. By way ofColumbusTX-H71. Arrived after3PM. AustinComicsAndBooks. BoughtKickAss2 and HitGirl. Asked a clerk whether DanniDanger was present. He claimed that he never heard of her. I remarked that it was veryrevealing. Drove toBookCaseStore. Fourbookcases. Ordered fivemore. Drove to a gelatostore. A clerkmale was a realprick. Drove toMarchesa. It was closed, and received a reply that the ciné would be open at6:30PM, and a film, Bullhead, would start at7:30PM. Drove to a korean restaurant. The clerk fucked up my order. Asked them to turn off the music, they were veryreluctant. Drove toGameRepublik. Bought sixhours worth. Surfed on the internet. Decided to watchOnlyGodForgives2013 after8PM, because teenagers in the room annoyed me. Drove to a sexshop between IH35AndEdgewoodAve. Bought decks of playingcards. Drove toAlamoDrafthouse.SlaughterLane. Had difficulty finding it. Made uturn, because Thought that Passed it. Made uturn again. Examined tworoads northwards. Arrived at the ciné. Ordered a greeksalad. Tasted like shit. Ordered onebloodymary and onemanhattan. Tasted like shit, also. WatchedOnlyGodForgives2013. It was bad. Started driving toHTX. Arrived after5AM. Slept. 25jul2013. Woke up after2PM. Left the apt. Drove toPhoOne. Meal. Westheimer.WestAlabama.veryslow.IH60. Theapt. After8PM, Started moving the bookcases. The fuckingdog. Filled twobookcases withDVDs. Slept. 26jul2013. Woke up. Walked toBurgerKing. OrderedSopranosThe.DVD.TheCompleteSeries. The apt. Filled twobookcases with paperbacks. Left the apt. Returned the truck at the gasstation betweenMainAndOST after buying icecream. Walked towardsMTC. Bus34.Montrose. Awhitecunt. Arrived atMFAH after5:30PM. Walked toContemporaryArtsMuseum. Stayed there until6:30PM. Walked toMFAH.ciné. ItalayLoveItOrLeaveit2011. Metro. Theapt. Left theapt. Walked toTheHunan. Numberfour and numberfive. Ate them. Slept.

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