16 Mai 2013


  What I did today. At midnight, Was using papertrimmer while watching BadDayAtBlackRock1955. Started watching GirlfriendExperienceThe2009. Verydisturbing. It is probable that Chelsea and her boyfriend are similars to StevenSoderbergh and JuliaAsner. The type of humanbeings satiriseds inAmericanPsycho2000. Must have completecontrol in my routine and my schedule. They don't give a shit about nothing but money. Their conversaions mean jackshit. Fucking pathetic types. Slept. Woke up after 8AM. Resumed using papertrimmer. Cutting margin completed, Archimedes. Started paste. Felt thirst. ShellGasstation.BetweenFanninAndInterstate610. DietCoke. BurgerKing.
  Plan, 1. Paste the page in which additional cutting is not needed. 2. Additional cutting, figures drawn by-Archimedes or -Heath. 3. Paste completed. Kickstarter is the name of a website, not a slang.

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