26 Mai 2013


  What I did today. Woke up after12PM. Request presistent from the hispanic cunt to pay the bill. Paid. Had to change the room. The cunt said that Would have been able to keep the room had I paid earlier. Laundry, machine at the motel. Read1984. Slept. Woke up. Resumed reading1984. PartThree, highlyfrightening. Anybody who has been subjected to thepsychiatristsfuckfaces knows what it's like. Downloaded ROMs, PS1, GameCube, SNES. Ordered some Games.PC onAmazon. Finished1984. PartThree.ChapterOne-Seven, torture. PartThree.ChapterEight, thelastsentence, HeLovedBigBrother. The next room, fratboys at either UTAustin or AustinCommunityCollege. Shitfaceds and verylouds. Felt hungry and wanted to walk to the diner acrossInterstate35. Discovered that mys shoes, which Had left in front of the door, someone either them has stolen or has threw somewhere. Didn't care, because they smelled like shit and were moists. Am forced to buy another pair of shoes.
  Plan. Walk to a diner. Return to motel. FinishAnimalFarm. Walk to BuffaloExchange betweenGuadalupeAnd29th. Must be cautious about broken glasses on the streets. Shoes. Husbands1970. Return to motel.
  So manyInjustice. They are constantly fighting a bitter classwar and they know what they want. If somebody doesn't stop globalwarming, the homosapiens will perish themselves. theColdWar was nothing but bullshit. Must discover a way to destroy the progress of globalisation. Must learn skills that brings financialsecurity. Would like to obtain UScitizenship. Wouldn't be surprised some cocksuckingjudge or someone atDA'sOffice prevents it by using influence.

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