08 Juni 2013


  OnToLiveAndDieInLA1985. Starts with an excerpt of speech byRonaldReagan. Typical elements of policemovie. Superb carchase near the end. Alternate ending filmed for reason of possibly earning more money is fucking absurd. JohnTurturro gives excellent performance as usual.

  Saw a twitter account namedAgainstNuclearIran. "U[nited]ANI is a non-partisan, broad-based coalition united to prevent Iran from fulfilling its ambition to become a regional super-power possessing nuclear weapons." Chomsky, "The chance ofIran attackingIsrael with nuclearpower is somewhere below an asteroid hittingIsrael, but it doesn't matter. It's a nice 'throawayline'." Must not forget that this bullshit is related to the control ofUS in theMiddleEast. AintThemBodiesSaint2013 is relased on-16aug2013? VieDAdèleLa, when if ever? Will not watch InternshipThe2013, because life is too short. Know the outline of memorising ninepoems. Noprogress on memorisingElements byEuclid.

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