13 Juni 2013


  What I did today. Played TheGodfatherTheGame until after6AM? Slept. Woke up after12PM. Metro. HPL.McKinney. Read an introduction ofElements byThomasLHeath. Left the library after4PM. Bus78.Alabama. BetweenMilamAndMcGowen. GothamPizza. ChickenTender and Spaghetti.MeatSauce. Metro. AtTMCDrydenCenter, many employees at the medical center. Claustrophobic. One doctor deigned to take the metro in order to build a rapport with a femalenurse or colleague who had buttocks attractives. Fuckingpricks. Apt. Started writing the first words of each proposition. Division of each proposition became clear. Found a way to memorise-Elements and -Conics. Also, futility to prove postulates and essential definitions according toAristotle. Highlyunsatisfactory. BookFiveToBookTen, still problem.
  Thought about the possibility ofAlexaLi ofBCM photographed by surveillancecamera illegal while having sex. It certainly looked familiar. JacquesRivette atMFAH. Wonder whether Soderbergh has become suicidal. Need to watchFrancesHa2012.

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