02 August 2013


  29jul2013. Woke up. BurgerKing. Walked toTimmyChan. Meal. BankOfAmerica. Moneyorder.1000USD. Smoothie and dietcoke. Theapt. After4PM. Still time. Walked toUPS. Mailed the moneyorder. FedEx.Twodays. Theapt. Slept. Woke up. Performed squats. Slept. 30jul2013. Woke up. Metro. Bus2.Bellaire. JangGeum. Meal. CafeLaTea. Smoothie. IcedTea. Downloaded videos of bisqwit. The speed was slow. Stayed there until5PM. JangGeum. Meal. Bus402, driver. Bus2.Bellaire. Metro. Theapt. Exercise.Torso. Left the apt. Fiesta. Milk.six. Orangejuice.one. WireThe.S3. Slept. 31jul2013. Woke up. BurgerKing. TimmyChan. Meal. Icecream.twopints. Chocolate and strawberry. Theapt. Left the apt. BurgerKing. EMail fromBookCaseStore. Money received. They will be completed. Theapt. 01aug2013. Woke up. TimmyChan. Meal. IceCream. Theapt. BurgerKing. Internet. Theapt. Now, 11:49PM.
  Last night, Realised something veryimportant. While remembering something, one does not see the exact image, but the impression of a location and impressions sensories. Problem which Have encountered for morethansixmonths has been solved. Have been thinking about the meaning of the dreaming involvingKateWelch. Watched a video made byKateWelch. As soon as it began, my desire towards her disappeared. A fucking kissass, who will never understand me or comfort me was talking about subject meaningless. Falsemodesty, which is impossible to miss and her choice of words disgusted me. My judgement initial was correct.

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