Woke up after8AM. ReadCollectedScreenplaysOne byDavidCronenberg. Slept. Woke up. Surfed on the internet. Theapt. hot to the point of distracting me constantly. Jerkedoff fourtimes in total. Finished CollectedScreenplaysOne byDavidCronenberg. Skimmed TheGodfatherTheGameStrategyGuide. Am frustrated that Am unable to memorise every detail. All I need is a method which enables me to create a building enormous geometrical in a veryshort time, I fucking know it. I need inspiration, not the kind bestowed to the fictionwriters, but to scientists. A little clue. Didn't go to HPL.McKinney. Fuckinghot.
Added, 11:55PM. Checked the facebookpage ofRyanLe. He has recently engaged himself toJudyLee, a real icequeencunt. Notveryinteresting, thirdratepianoplayer. YohanMoon, who thinks that I'm a pisashit, has been accepted intoBCM. I have had a verylong time to reflect on my dissociation with their religious fervour. One of the "finalstraw" was the guest lecturer who was equally fanatical and was advocating his hatred and prejudice against-northKorea. On that day, it became clear that PastorEric, who is on a par withJoelOsteen, what he does everyday, everyweekend, is to make meaningless speeches about his problem with his family, e.g. his wife, his children, his father, who alledgedly lives inChicago. They consider themselves as missionaries of higher civilisations. They naturally ignore the people who are forced to face poverty, genocide, Injustice, military occupation, and exclusion, because they must serve southKoreaState, which is a clientState of-theUnitedStates. They are ostensibly antisemitic and their discussion religious and philosophical is not worth consideration. Something I believe to be revealing aboutRiceUniv. is that they have never acquired theCompletedWorksOfCharlesDarwin published byNYUPress. They have some bullshitwork by some asshole who tried to synthetise Darwinism and Christianity. Both RyanLe and YohanMoon want is to get a degree, acquire a post inTX somehwere, acquire a house, produce children2.?, etc., the usual. They will certainly not advance anyScience and will never concern themselves with the problems in theEducationsystem in-theUS.
A story which I read manyyearsago and which have made a deepestimpression on me. It goes something like this. A king said to a doctor, Doctor, you are thebestdoctor in this country. The doctor said, No, Yourmajesty, my eldest brother is thebestdoctor in this country, my second brother is thesecondbestdoctor in this country, and I am thethirdbestdoctor in this country. My eldest brother, he sees someone and can see an ailment which he will have in a far future. Then, he heals this future disease without him knowing what has been done to him. My second brother, he sees someone and can see an ailment which he will have in a near future. Then, he heals this future disease without him knowing what has been done to him. When people have serious discomfort, they come to me, and I am able to cure them by opening their bodies and other bloody procedures. That's why I am known as thebestdoctor in this country. One must always look for the heart of the matter, and contemplate on how they came to be if you know what I mean.
Added, 11:55PM. Checked the facebookpage ofRyanLe. He has recently engaged himself toJudyLee, a real icequeencunt. Notveryinteresting, thirdratepianoplayer. YohanMoon, who thinks that I'm a pisashit, has been accepted intoBCM. I have had a verylong time to reflect on my dissociation with their religious fervour. One of the "finalstraw" was the guest lecturer who was equally fanatical and was advocating his hatred and prejudice against-northKorea. On that day, it became clear that PastorEric, who is on a par withJoelOsteen, what he does everyday, everyweekend, is to make meaningless speeches about his problem with his family, e.g. his wife, his children, his father, who alledgedly lives inChicago. They consider themselves as missionaries of higher civilisations. They naturally ignore the people who are forced to face poverty, genocide, Injustice, military occupation, and exclusion, because they must serve southKoreaState, which is a clientState of-theUnitedStates. They are ostensibly antisemitic and their discussion religious and philosophical is not worth consideration. Something I believe to be revealing aboutRiceUniv. is that they have never acquired theCompletedWorksOfCharlesDarwin published byNYUPress. They have some bullshitwork by some asshole who tried to synthetise Darwinism and Christianity. Both RyanLe and YohanMoon want is to get a degree, acquire a post inTX somehwere, acquire a house, produce children2.?, etc., the usual. They will certainly not advance anyScience and will never concern themselves with the problems in theEducationsystem in-theUS.
A story which I read manyyearsago and which have made a deepestimpression on me. It goes something like this. A king said to a doctor, Doctor, you are thebestdoctor in this country. The doctor said, No, Yourmajesty, my eldest brother is thebestdoctor in this country, my second brother is thesecondbestdoctor in this country, and I am thethirdbestdoctor in this country. My eldest brother, he sees someone and can see an ailment which he will have in a far future. Then, he heals this future disease without him knowing what has been done to him. My second brother, he sees someone and can see an ailment which he will have in a near future. Then, he heals this future disease without him knowing what has been done to him. When people have serious discomfort, they come to me, and I am able to cure them by opening their bodies and other bloody procedures. That's why I am known as thebestdoctor in this country. One must always look for the heart of the matter, and contemplate on how they came to be if you know what I mean.
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